Doxy Extra – plugin for WordPress theme Doxy. It adds some shortcodes to help create extra elements.
Display taxonomies
You can display any taxonomies with title, description, and counter where you need them.
Shortcode – [doxy_taxonomies]
- taxonomy – Taxonomy to retrieve terms for. Default
; - orderby – Field(s) to order terms by. Default
; - order – Whether to order terms in ascending or descending order. Default
; - exclude – Comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude. Default empty;
- include – Comma/space-separated string of term IDs to include. Default empty;
For Example:
[doxy_taxonomies taxonomy="download_category" include="43,42"]
– Display the download categories with ID’s 43 and 42 for the EasyDigitelDownloads.
Also, you can use this shortcode for the taxonomies created by the plugin Custom Post Type UI
Display Custom Posts
Display the custom posts.
Shortcode – [doxy_posts]
- post_type
- posts_per_page
- orderby
- order
For Example:
[doxy_posts post_type="download" posts_per_page="20"]
Display accordion
Display the accordion with text.
Shortcode – [doxy_details]
- open – default status for accordion: open or close. Default empty.
- title – title for accordion. Default
For Example:
[doxy_details open="1" title="Faq"]Accordion Content[/doxy_details]
Display notice
Display the notice message
Shortcode – [doxy_notice]
- title – vertical title for the notice
- type – color for the notice. Can use: primary, danger, success, warning, and info.
For Example:
[doxy_notice title="Notice" type="primary"]Notice Content[/doxy_notice]