Doxy WordPress Theme comes with a comprehensive set of options that you can manage within the WordPress live customizer panel. Once you go to Appearance -> Customize, you will be able to see the main tab which opens the Doxy theme settings (besides the default sections that come with WordPress by default).
Once you open the panel, all settings are further divided into logical sections for easy management (see the image below).
Home Page/Front Page
By default, categories and recent posts are displayed on the home page. In this section, you can configure the title, page description, what and how categories will display, and icon for the page if the plugin ‘Taxonomy Icon’ is installed.
Search Page
Ability to add a description to the search results page and an icon.
Page 404
Ability to customize title, description, and icon for page for error 404.
Archives Pages
If you have installed additional plugins that create custom posts and taxonomies with an archive page or created by the plugin ‘Custom Post Type UI’, you have the ability to customize the archive page: title, description, taxonomies, and icon.
The ability to disable the sidebar for WordPress pages (Home/Front, Blog, Archives, 404, and Search) and Taxonomies ( Categories, Tags, and custom taxonomies ).
Change the site info in the footer.