= Version 4.2 =
- Added: Export/Import function
- Changed: support page
- Fixed: minor bugs
= Version 4.1.2 =
- Fixed: show in taxonomies
= Version 4.1.1 =
- Fixed: bug with color-picker-alpha
- Updated: Font Awesome Icons to version 5.14
= Version 4.1 =
- Changed: optimized scripts
- Fixed: Link on notification
= Version 4.0.1 =
- Fixed: Custom icon option
= Version 4.0 =
- Added: Live preview
- Added: notification schedule options
- Added: test mode option
- Added: Unit for location
- Updated: Admin style
- Update: Font Awesome Icon to v. 5.12
= Version 3.2 =
- Fixed: display notifications
= Version 3.1.1 =
- Fixed: support old shortcode
= Version 3.1 =
- Fixed: Saving parameters
= Version 3.0 =
- Added: option ‘Don’t show on screens more’
- Added: option for disabling FontAwesome 5 from front-end
- Added: Border style options: border style
- Added: Shadow style options
- Added: Content style options
- Added: Title style options
- Added: Icon style options
- Added: Close button size option
- Changed: Admin Style
- Optimized: Styles and Scripts (minification and response time reduction)
- Fixed: Control on the devices
= Version 2.3.2 =
- Fixed: deleted tag ‘p’ from notice
= Version 2.3 =
- Updated: Font Awesome to version 5
- Added: 2 variables
- Added: Close Button
- Added: Title color
- Added: function ‘Don’t show after click’ on link
- Added: Editor for notification content
- Fixed: position ‘Bottom’
= Version 2.2.4 =
- Added: file pot for translation
- Fixed: class conflict with animated
= Version 2.2.3 =
- Fixed: insert more then 1 notification
= Version 2.2.2 =
- Fixed: color picker alpha for WordPress 4.9
Version 2.2.1
- Fixed: main class.
= Version 2.2 =
- Added: Support for display on taxonomy pages.
- Added: Show menu depending on user’s role.
- Added: Support page.
= Version 2.1 =
- Added: the Third variable
= Version 2.0 =
- Changed: structure
- Changed: admin style
= Version 1.4.1 =
- Fixed: Location
- Fixed: Show for users
= Version 1.4 =
- Added: The time interval in which the notification will be displayed;
- Added: Display notification in posts of category with certain IDs;
- Added: Number of notifications per page for one visitor;
Version 1.3
- Add: Notification link;
- Updated: Icon (FontAwesome 4.7);
- Optimized: database;
= Version 1.2 =
- Add: Display for different types of users
- Add: Depending on the site language
- Add: Different animation effects
- Change: Admin panel style
= Version 1.1 =
- Fix: Script of show the notification.
- Fix: Replaced deprecated php functions ‘split’.
- Fix: Can enter ‘Name’ and ‘City’ in new line.
- Fix: Verifying access to the folder ‘asset’.
- Fix: Support and Facebook link.
- Fix: Optimized code.