= Version 5.1 =
- Added: option for adding attribute ‘rel’ to link
- Added: options: Next post and Previous Post
= Version 5.0.2 =
- Fixed: minor bug
= Version 5.0.1 =
- Fixed: overlapping elements
= Version 5.0 =
- Changed: Admin style.
- Added: option Schedule for display the menu
- Added: option ‘browser dependency’
- Added: attribute alt to custom image
= Version 4.4.1 =
- Fixed: options ‘Go Back’ and ‘Fo Forward’
- Fixed: icon compatibility
= Version 4.4 =
- Added: item type ‘translate’;
- Added: item type ‘search’;
- Changed: FontAwesome Icon 5.15.3
= Version 4.3.3 =
- Fixed: main minify style
= Version 4.3.2 =
- Added: ‘Test Mode’ option
- Added: ‘Deactivate’ option
- Fixed: offset from the screen bottom
- Fixed: label for type link ‘Email’
- Fixed: minor bugs
= Version 4.3.1 =
- Fixed: ShiftNav option for item
= Version 4.3 =
- Added: function scroll to the bottom
- Added: function share on: draugiem, whatsapp, diaspora, digg, douban, evernote, flipboard, google bookmarks, hacker news, instapaper, line, qzone, renren
- Updated: Font Awesome Icons to version 5.14
- Fixed: minor bugs.
= Version 4.2 =
- Added: Mobile rules for menu. Defines menu behavior on mobile devices
= Version 4.1 =
- Fixed: Minor bug
= Version 4.0.3 =
- Fixed: Deleted item
- Fixed: FontAwesome icons
= Version 4.0.2 =
- Fixed: Depending on the language
= Version 4.0.1 =
- Fixed: Remove icon size control
= Version 4.0 =
- Added: GoForward and GoBack functions
- Added: Connected all items
- Fixed: ‘Hold open’ function
- Updated: FontAwesome Icon 5 to version 5.11.2
= Version 3.0.2 =
- Fixed: include share services more the one menu
= Version 3.0.1 =
- Fixed: Indentation value
= Version 3.0 =
- Added: option for disabling FontAwesome 5 from front-end
- Added: 14 sharing page services
- Added: custom atributtes CLASS and ID to the menu item
- Added: option Hold open
- Added: type link Email and Telephone
- Added: Open link in the new window
- Updated: FontAwesom to 5.6.3
= Version 2.3.2 =
- Fixed: color picker problem
= Version 2.3.1 =
- Fixed: url for fontawesome
= Version 2.3 =
- Added: 10 share button and share via email
- Added: file pot for translation
- Fixed: class conflict with animated
= Version 2.2.2 =
- Fixed: color picker alpha for WordPress 4.9
= Version 2.2.1 =
- Added: adding a Class to the item.
- Added: adding an ID to the item.
- Added: support plugin ShiftNav.
= Version 2.2 =
- Added: Support for display on taxonomy pages.
- Added: Show menu depending on user’s role.
- Added: option Don’t show on screens more than.
- Fixed: Updating menu.
= Version 2.1.1 =
- Fixed: option Don’t show on screens less than
- Added: Support page
= Version 2.1 =
- Added: Smooth scroll